As the rain pours down and the lightening strikes outside (very non Must-Chup weather) our thoughts here at Must-Chup turn to the far sunnier weekend just gone, where we attended the West Dean Chilli Fiesta on a beautiful summers day.
Who’d of thought there would be an entire event set up just to celebrate chilli’s! But for us, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect to attend such an event. Just a few days ago our brand new Must-Chup ‘Kick’ and ‘Big Kick’ with Jalapeno and habanero Chilli sauces were launched! And we felt, where better to show them off, than the one and only Chilli Fiesta, perfect!
This years West Dean Chilli Fiesta took place from 7th – 9th August at West Dean College and Gardens and celebrated its 20th anniversary in glorious sunshine.
Now one of the biggest Chilli festivals in the country it started back in 1995 when Jim Buckland and Sarah Wain Co-founders visited a Chilli Fiesta at the Botanic Gardens in New York picking up hints that chilli featured much more highly in American cooking and gardening than in the UK. Laden with chilli seeds and volumes of information about the cultivation of chilli’s both Jim and Sarah planned the original UK’s Chilli Fiesta and as they now say the rest is history.
Must-Chup was there with the sauce Creator Andrew Salter all weekend and this years event was attended by over 20,000 people! We were only too pleased to introduce so many new food lovers to our delicious sauces.
Here’s what Andrew Salter had to say on the weekend event, “Must-Chup had a stand on the North lawn which was perfect giving a steady flow of people interested in the launch of the Must-Chup range of ‘Original’, ‘Kick’ and Big Kick’. We had a great weekend selling just over 900 bottles. Amazing! The nice thing was that there was an even spread of sales for each sauce. Something for all the family. Original was ideal for those who did not want any heat in the sauce especially children. Must-Chup ‘Kick’was perfect for those who like the combination of fresh tomato sauce, English, Dijon and yellow mustard and a gentle Chilli heat with the jalapeño chilli. Those a little more adventurous moved towards ‘Big Kick’ which was made up of the same structure as Kick but replaced the jalapeño Chilli with Habanero chilli. We can honestly say that all of us were exhausted after a busy three days, however came home with a buzz after picking up so many new customers. Thank you to all those who bought Must-Chup and attended the Fiesta.”
And in case you were wondering what all the fuss is about with our tasty new sauces, here they are, their first ever photo as a family of Must-Chup sauces! You can now purchase all 3 sauces online at, go on, be brave and give Big Kick a go! Much more to follow in our next blog about all 3 sauces.